Medical Examiner's Office | King County
The relocation of the King County Medical Examiner’s Office to the lower level of Harborview Medical Center was a multi-agency effort that led to new office spaces, functional autopsy and body storage spaces, and updated common spaces.
Angela Gee contributed to a variety of similar projects during her tenure at the King County Department of Facilities Management. Her overall objective was to collaborate with public partners in an effort to safely increase the capacity of the County’s medical care providers. As a result, the design team created a safer and more pleasant public health care experience for both patients and staff.
Angela Gee contributed to a variety of similar projects during her tenure at the King County Department of Facilities Management. Her overall objective was to collaborate with public partners in an effort to safely increase the capacity of the County’s medical care providers. As a result, the design team created a safer and more pleasant public health care experience for both patients and staff.